Admission for Kindergarten Students
Students applying for acceptance to St. Angela Merici’s Kindergarten class must be 5 years of age by September 1, or have approval from the Kindergarten Screening team following their assessment. A Kindergarten Readiness Screening is conducted in April prior to Kindergarten enrollment and is required for admittance. Early admittance is considered on a case by case basis, based on Kindergarten screening results and teacher/administrator recommendations and review.
Parents are encouraged to call (440) 333-2126 to arrange for a tour of our school with our Lower School Principal, Mrs. Lisa Whelan.
Kindergarten Curriculum Includes:
Religion Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Physical Education STREAM Learning World Language: Spanish Technology, Library/Media Fine Arts: Visual Art and Musical Foundations
Typical Day in a SAM School Kindergarten Class
7:30 Arrival 7:45 Broadcast and Morning Prayer 8:00 Calendar time 8:20 Religion 8:45 Language Arts 9:25 Mathematics 10:00 Morning Recess 10:30 Reading small groups/centers, Science/Social Studies 11:25 Handwriting 11:40 Recess/Lunch 12:30 Story Time 12:55 Specials 1:35 Rest Time 2:00 Pack up/End of day Broadcast
Kindergarten Readiness Checklists:
Language Development. Can your child:
*follow through on 1 and 2 step directions *use descriptive language (i.e. tall building) *use simple conversational sentences *pretend, create, make up songs and stories *talk about everyday experiences
Writing Development. Can your child:
*try to write, scribble, or draw *ask you to write notes or letters *attempt to write letters, name *try to draw shapes, pictures, etc.
Reading Development. Can your child:
*enjoy getting a book as a present *recognize own name in print *’read stories to you *pretend to read books by looking at pictures
Social/Emotional Development. Can your child:
*use words to solve problems when angry/frustrated *use manners such as please and thank you *attempt new tasks, knowing it’s okay to make mistakes *have success in sharing and taking turns *respect the rights, property, & feelings of others
Concept Development. Can your child:
*recognize and name colors *watch or sort items by color and shape *draw a picture of him/herself
Physical Development. Can your child:
*put puzzles together *cut with scissors *hold a crayon or marker correctly *gallop or try to skip
Health and Safety Development. Does your child:
*have a set routine and schedule for bedtime *wash hands *dress ~ put coat on by them self *follow simple safety rules
Number Concept Development. Can your child:
*arrange items according to size, shape & color *arrange toys or objects from big to small *correctly count four to ten objects *use comparison words such as bigger, heavier, smaller
meet Our Kindergarten Teachers
Mrs. Becky Arsena
Mrs. Arsena has been teaching kindergarten since 2006! She is a graduate of Wittenberg University and earned her Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University. Prior to teaching at SAM School, Mrs. Arsena spent a year in Japan teaching English oral communication. Mrs. Arsena is not only a teacher, but a parent and parishioner here at St. Angela Merici Parish. She is an integral part of our school’s STREAM team.
Mrs. Sarah Bobko
Mrs. Bobko has been teaching since 2006. She grew up in Fairview Park and attended St. Angela Merici School and Fairview High School.
She and her husband have four children who all attend St. Angela’s. She attended the University of Mount Union and earned her Early Childhood Education (Pre-k-3) and her Master’s in Reading & Math (K-5) from Walden University.