Sunday Giving — St. Angela Merici

Rooted in gratitude for the many gifts God has bestowed upon us as individuals and as a community, Christian stewardship calls upon each of us to:

  • Nurture our relationship with God through prayer

  • Put our faith into action through service

  • Share our gifts with others by giving

Giving a financial commitment to support the basic operating needs of St. Angela Merici Parish represents a tangible expression of gratitude for God's role in your life and the part the church has played in deepening your spiritual life. At the same time, your commitment enables the church to support the many programs, ministries, and services that promote prayer, service, and giving to others within, and beyond the St. Angela's community.

The most important outlet for giving is the Weekend Collection, most easily accomplished through automatic withdrawal from credit cards or checking accounts (through Online Donation) or through weekly envelopes. We encourage you to use the envelopes mailed in your monthly packet or consider using our online donation system by clicking on the "Parishioner Login" link below.

For questions regarding your envelopes, contact Jennifer Fitzpatrick at (440) 333-2133, ext. 131.