St. Angela Merici Ministries

Celebrating Mass is the “source and summit” of our Christian life. You are invited to explore how you can best use your gifts to enhance our worship. Browse through our ministry descriptions and consider which ministry may be the best fit for you.

Altar Linen Committee

Wash and iron sacred linens used for the celebration of Mass and Eucharistic services. This is a rotating monthly commitment. Contact David Becker in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 for more information.


Altar Servers

Open to boys and girls starting in the sixth grade, Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass during the week and on weekends. Weekday servers (grade school age) are scheduled to serve either Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday about every six weeks or so. Weekend servers (high school age) are scheduled for two weekends about every two months. Adult Altar Servers are sometimes used when school children are not available. Contact Jennifer Fitzpatrick in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 for more information.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Sunday Mass. This ministry is performed out of love for the Eucharist and for the people of God. Eucharistic Ministers attend a preparation class through the Diocese of Cleveland (sessions held in Spring and Fall), and sign up to serve on a weekly basis at the Mass they attend. For more information, contact Fr. Lanning in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133.


Home Visit Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

This team of Eucharistic Ministers takes the Body of Christ to parishioners who are homebound. A special group of ministers also takes Communion to the Rockport Retirement Community. The minister can imitate Christ by being there, visiting, praying and sharing the gospel message. St. Angela's has teams of Eucharistic Minsters who visit various corners of the city on a rotating basis. Contact Fr. Lanning in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 to learn more about this important ministry.


Ministry of Hospitality

The hospitality team welcomes visitors and newly registered members to the St. Angela community and fosters fellowship among all parishioners. In addition to contacting new parishioners, they host Hospitality Sundays on the second Sunday of each month with receptions in the Social Hall following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. If you are interested in joining this group and helping others to feel welcome among the St. Angela community, please contact Elizabeth Malik for more information.


Ministry Of Music

This ministry gives parishoners the opportunity to use his/her gifts and love for music at the celebration of our weekend Masses, as well as Holy Day Masses and other special occasions. Contact our Director of Music, Danny O’Brien  or visit our Ministry of Music page to learn more.



Lectors are trained men and women who proclaim the Word of God at weekend Masses or special services throughout the year. The benefits include better comprehension of the Word of God in addition to gaining experience in public speaking. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating monthly basis and must arrive 15 minutes before the start of the liturgy. Contact Fr. Lanning in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 to learn more.


Parish School of Religion (PSR) Adult Volunteers

This ministry works in cooperation with the Director of Religious Education to teach students (catechists), to assist catechists in their classrooms (aides), or to help the Director with other PSR activities during the school year. PSR meets every Monday at 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. during the school year. Contact Patti Horner in the Religious Education office at (440) 333-2133 to learn more.


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)/Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Team Members

This ministry works with the Director of the RCIA throughout the year as a team to help coordinate the RCIA process in our parish. Team members help to proclaim the Word or God, share their faith experiences with our Catechumens and Candidates who are preparing for the sacraments, help to plan the yearly retreat, and become a friend to all who are coming into the Church. To learn more about this important ministry, contact Father Lanning in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133.



Sacristans assist the priest in setting up for the weekend liturgies, and cleaning the sacred vessels after Mass. Scheduling is flexible. Contact Fr. Lanning in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 to learn more.


Social Justice Commission

This ministry seeks to promote justice as the way to peace, to uphold the dignity of each person and to foster solidarity and respect for the poor in our community and in our world. The Social Justice Commission holds quarterly meetings and works on various service projects throughout the year to promote social justice concerns. Contact the Parish Center or visit our Social Justice Commission  page to learn more. 


St. Vincent de Paul Society

This ministry promotes the spirituality of its members and is an advocate for the needs of the poor in our local community. St. Angela's St. Vincent de Paul Society meets on the first and third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. This group also helps with a monthly food collection that takes place on the third Sunday of each month at our parish Masses. To find out how you can become a part of this important ministry contact the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133.



Ushers are a team of men and women who offer hospitality and welcome to the assembly gathering for Mass by providing for their physical needs such as assisting them with finding seats, gathering the offering with warmth and gratitude and offering other assistance as needed. Contact Ed Doubrava in the Parish Center at (440) 333-2133 to find out if this ministry is right for you.


Other Ministries:

Parish Pastoral Council, Cookie Bakers, Funeral Luncheons, Merici Moms, CYO Sports, Boy & Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. Contact the Parish Center for more information at (440) 333-2133.