Mr. Thomas Tompkins ~ (440) 333-2126

My Favorites

Food: Hamburgers and tuna noodle casserole
The Martian
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Hobby: Biking
Sport Team: Minnesota North Stars (RIP)
Flower: Crimson Maple (tree)
Dessert: Chocolate chip cookies (Leavened Bakery in Tremont!)
Saint: St. Maximilian Kolbe










About Me

Hello, my name is Thomas Tompkins, and I’m the 4th- and 5th-grade Math teacher. I also teach Religion and Reading to my 5th-grade homeroom. 

I grew up in Minnetonka, Minnesota, along with eight brothers and sisters, right next to where Tonka Toys were manufactured. My parents gifted us children with education in the Catholic schools.

My wife Kate and I have three children. I love to ride my bike each day, to work during the week and in the Metroparks on weekends. 

2022-23 was my first year at St. Angela Merici, following stops at CMSD, Urban Community School and Metro Catholic.

My Education

I earned my BA at Georgetown University in History, and then MAs at Case Western Reserve (American History) and Ursuline (Education). During college, I studied for a semester at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

What do you love about SAM

St. Angela has a skilled team of teachers, who work closely together to know and educate their students. The level of coordination on planning and creativity are first-rate. Our principals support teachers in constantly raising the quality of instruction.